

Thoughts, notes and happenings...

Chabad of Uptown and personal diary updates! Please comment on our posts, we would love to hear from you!

Mazel Tov new Shluchim!

Mazal Tov!

We are thrilled to announce and welcome Rabbi Yosef and Chanale Cohen and their daughter Mushka as the newest Shluchim to our Chabad of Uptown community!

Rabbi Yosef and Chanale bring warmth, energy, and a wealth of experience to our team. They will focus on building and strengthening our community, supporting families, and developing innovative programming for all.

Join us this Shabbos as we make a special kiddush in extending a warm welcome to Rabbi Yosef and Chanale! We look forward to growing and thriving together.

This year, the fast of the 10th of Tevet falls on a Friday, creating a unique situation. Ordinarily, we do not enter Shabbat while fasting. The 10th of Tevet, however, is an exception, reflecting the day’s profound significance.

On Tevet 10, the Babylonian army laid siege to Jerusalem, setting into motion the tragic chain of events that led to the destruction of the Holy Temple. Unlike the 17th of Tammuz or the 9th of Av, which commemorate breaches and destruction, the 10th of Tevet focuses on the beginning of the tragedy—when the seeds of division among our people allowed such a siege to succeed.

A fast day is not merely about mourning. The Prophet Isaiah (58:5) calls it “an auspicious time,” when we can correct the spiritual roots of past failings. The siege offered a hidden opportunity for unity among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Had they come together in harmony, no army could have conquered them.

Today, nearly 2,000 years into exile, the root cause remains the same: baseless hatred. The 10th of Tevet reminds us to focus on its antidote—building bridges of care, respect, and love among all Jews. By fostering unity, we prepare the world for redemption.

On Friday night, we will make Kiddush immediately after the fast concludes. May this fast inspire meaningful reflection, healing, and a renewed commitment to unity.

Wishing you an easy, purposeful fast and a peaceful Shabbat,

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie


  • Shabbos, Jan. 11, 9 am - Chassidus - Torah Or
  • Monday, Jan. 12, 8 pm - Hebrew Language: The Tanya with Rabbi Menny Raichik
  • Wednesday, Jan. 15, 8 pm - YJP Dinner, Class & Social
  • Thursday, August 16, 8 pm - The Heart of Prayer


  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Mazel tov to Sigal and the entire Melnik family on her marriage this week to Shuey Rothman!


Fri., Jan. 10, Fast of Asara B'Teves
5:00 pm Mincha with Torah Reading
5:23 pm Light Shabbat Candles
5:30 Kabbalat Shabbat
Fast Ends 6:07 pm
6:15 pm Kiddush Breaking the Fast at Shabbat Dinner
As fasting on Shabbos is a prohibition, under these circumstances you should make kiddush as soon as possible, even if you are delayed until the "seventh hour" begins.
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner

Shabbos, Jan 11, 11Teves
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Kiddush & Farbrengen in honor of the new Shluchim Rabbi Yosef & Chanale Cohen and Mushka
5:20 pm Mincha
Torah Study
6:20 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Sunday, Jan. 12, 12Teves
8:00 am Shacharis
Followed by a Bris and Breakfast sponsored by Oron & Shiri Peer

Unity Over Anger

 Let’s talk about something we’ve all felt: anger. Whether it’s getting cut off in traffic or dealing with someone who really hurt us, anger can come fast and hit hard. It’s natural to feel upset when someone wrongs us. But our tradition offers us a way to approach these moments that can bring us closer to each other and to Hashem.

The Talmud likens getting angry to worshipping idols. At first, that sounds extreme—after all, anger is just an emotion. But when we look at the story of Joseph and his brothers in this week’s Torah portion, we start to understand.

Joseph had every reason to be angry. His brothers sold him into slavery and tore him away from his family for over 20 years. Yet, when they finally reunited, Joseph didn’t lash out. Instead, he said, “You didn’t send me here; Hashem did.” Joseph saw the bigger picture—everything that happened was part of G-d’s plan, even if it came about through someone else’s bad choices.

When we’re angry, it’s easy to focus on what someone else did to us. But Joseph’s story reminds us to step back and see Hashem’s hand in our lives. That doesn’t mean bad behavior is okay, but it helps us let go of anger and look for ways to move forward.

As a community, this perspective is powerful. When we let go of grudges and see each other through the lens of compassion, we build unity. And that unity is what makes us strong and prepares us for the coming of Moshiach and the Final Redemption.

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie


  • Shabbos, Jan. 4, 9 am - Chassidus - Torah Or
  • Monday, Jan. 6, 8 pm - NEW HEBREW CLASS: The Tanya with Rabbi Menny Raichik
  • Wednesday, Jan. 8, 8 pm - YJP Dinner, Class & Social - Guest Lecture Rabbi Shmuli Slonim of Chabad at Rice: Purpose vs Meaning - The Jewish Perspective in Life
  • Thursday, August 1, 8 pm - The Heart of Prayer


  • Friday, Jan. 3, 6 pm - First Fridays 2025 Shabbat Dinner - Join Young Jewish Professionals and bring in the new calendar year with new and old friends, ages 21-39, over Shabbat Dinner. $20 until Thursday, $36 after
  • Use promo code: advance
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!


Mazel tov Oron & Shiri Peer on the birth of a baby boy!

Mazel Tov Shmuel Kronman on his engagement to Chani Kruper From Los Angeles, California in Tzfat, Israel!


Fri., Jan. 3, 3 Teves
5:18 pm Light Shabbat Candles
5:20 pm Mincha
5:40 Torah Study
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for 2025 First Fridays Shabbat Dinner

Shabbos, Jan 4, 4 Teves
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Kiddush & Farbrengen
5:15 pm Mincha
Torah Study
6:15 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Sunday, Jan. 5, 5 Teves
8:00 am Shacharis
Followed by breakfast marking the yartzeit of Norman Lazarus's father, Yisachar ben Moshe,

Friday, Jan. 10, Fast of 10 Teves
Fast Begins at 5:59 am
Light Shabbat Candles at 5:23 pm
Fast Ends with Shabbat Kiddush at 6:07 pm


Chanukah on Fox, Chron, Friends, Post Oaks - Pics and Vids!


In the long history of the challenges and triumphs of our people, the audacity of the Jewish spirit always stands out. It represents our ability to stand firm, push boundaries, and courageously uphold our values—even when the odds are against us.

In this week’s Torah portion, Yosef exemplifies this trait when he boldly interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, offering not only insight but also unsolicited advice that saved Egypt and elevated him to a position of power. The Maccabees, too, embodied this trait when they defied the Seleucid-Greek empire, refusing to compromise their faith. Their courage restored the sanctity of the Temple and gave us the enduring miracle of Chanukah.

Jewish pride is about more than celebrating our heritage; it’s about living with the audacity to embrace who we are and stand up for what we believe in. In a world that often challenges our identity, our values, and our right to thrive as Jews, we are reminded that we need not stay in our lane or dim our light to fit in. Instead, we step forward with strength and confidence, driven by faith in Hashem and our mission as His people.

Let us draw inspiration from our ancestors’ courage and exhibit our own “chutzpah” in the face of adversity. May our pride in being Jewish illuminate the world, like the menorah that burned miraculously so many centuries ago.

Shabbat shalom & Happy Chanukah,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie




  • Friday, Dec. 27, Third Night Chanukah - 5:00 pm - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner Uptown style, where spirits run high! Candle lighting at 5 pm, Shabbat services followed by dinner RSVP
  • Saturday, Dec. 28, Fourth Night Chanukah - 8:30 pm - Chanukah in Candy Land - Young Jewish Professionals 20s & 30s party in style in "Candy Land", with themed drinks and music, dinner buffet, sufganiyot, and latkes.
  • Friday, Jan. 3, 6 pm - First Fridays 2025 Shabbat Dinner - Join Young Jewish Professionals and bring in the new calendar year with new and old friends, ages 21-39, over Shabbat Dinner. $20 until Thursday, $36 after
    Use promo code: advance
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

👉 FCYA Donuts & Dinner with Friends - Friendship for All - FRIENDSHIP STARTS HERE! on Sunday, YJP Houston volunteers make donuts and have dinner alongside Friendship Circle of Houston Young Adults with special needs for an evening of fun, camaraderie and integration! Check out the photos here.
👉 Fox26Houston News - On Wednesday morning, Rabbi Chaim did the morning news circuit with two shows on Fox26Houston news with DaLaun Dillard & Heather Sullivan. Check out round #1 "How to spell Chanukah, Hanukkah? " and round #2 "A spin on the Chanukah Dreidel"
👉 Light Up Uptown! Post Oak Menorah Lighting - Hundreds gathered for the Annual Post Oak Menorah Lighting in cooperation with the Uptown Houston Houston District featuring a giant menorah lighting, Petting Zoo & Pony Rides, Chanukah Book Trail, Fresh Donuts, Latkes, Gelt and Drinks, Festive Music. Photo Credit: Amalya Shandelman Photography. Check out photos here.
👉 Chanukah Shabbat Dinner - Tonight Featuring the beautiful Menorah and Dreidel Challahs!
👉 Candy Land -Sat Night - One more event to go this Saturday night YJP in Candy Land!
👉 Across Houston - Check out the more than 40 Chanukah events including at The Galleria and the Houston Rockets with Chabad across Houston at

We extend condolences to Rachel Lishansky and Naomi on the passing of their father and grandfather Yuri ben Solomon Lishansky, in Israel. Rachel is currently in Israel and returns next week.

Fri., Dec. 27, 26 Kislev, 
 Third Night Chanukah
5:13 pm Light Chanukah before Shabbat Candles
5:15 pm Mincha
5:30 Torah Study
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Chanukah Shabbat Dinner 

Shabbos, Dec. 28, 27 Kislev
8:00 am Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim
9:30 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Mevarchim Kiddush & Farbrengen
5:15 pm Mincha
Torah Study
6:10 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Fourth Night Chanukah
Living Torah Video Magazine
8:30 pm YJP Houston Chanukah in Candy Land!

Good Yom Tov!

This week we wrapped up our CYP Academy Decisions of Fate course with a record number of 39 unique students over the course! As the Alter Rebbe teaches - the founder of Chabad and who we celebrate today 19 Kislev - the study of Torah ignites the soul as we connect to a deep part of our own the consciousness and its connection to Hashem.

The 19th of Kislev, the “Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus,” commemorates the 1798 liberation of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad rebbe, known as the Alter Rebbe, from imprisonment. This event marked not only a personal redemption but a renewal of Chassidic teachings, particularly the Tanya, which the Alter Rebbe authored.

The Tanya provides a comprehensive roadmap for our spiritual lives. It teaches us how to uncover the divine spark within, navigate life’s challenges, and connect to Hashem through love, awe, and joy. Studying Chassidus uplifts our understanding of Torah’s commandments and deepens our relationship with G-d, infusing everyday life with greater meaning and vitality.

This week’s Torah reading, Vayeshev, begins with Yaakov Avinu settling in the land of his forefathers. Commentators explain that Yaaov sought peace after a lifetime of struggle. Yet, his journey into spiritual growth continued. This is also the message of the 19th of Kislev: While we may seek comfort, our purpose lies in constant growth, transforming our challenges into opportunities for deeper connection to Hashem.

The Alter Rebbe taught that Chassidus reveals the soul’s infinite potential. Just as Jacob found strength to persevere, we, too, can find resilience and clarity through Chassidus, especially the Tanya. Let us recommit to its study and integrate its teachings into our daily lives, ensuring that its light illuminates the world around us.

May we all experience personal redemption and the ultimate redemption with Moshiach soon!

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie

P.S. All YJP ages 21-39 are welcome to join our weekly Dinner, Class & Social and learn some Torah held weekly at Chabad of Uptown. Classes will resume on Jan 15, 2025 as they are on pause for Chanukah and upcoming weddings.

Welcome to our recent Chai Club members, sustaining monthly donors who make the magic happen! Basha Behrman, Susy Brown, Malka Bussman, Geoffrey Kulp, Ziv & Arielle Mesulati! You can also join to make a difference! Choose monthly option at

CHANUKAH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please respond to this email or contact Chanie if you can volunteer to help for the Chanukah event this Wednesday.


  • Sunday, Dec. 22, 6-7:30 pm -  FCYA Dinner & Donuts with Friends - Friendship for All - YJP Houston volunteers make donuts and have dinner alongside Young Adults with special needs for an evening of fun, camaraderie and integration! At 8019 Cnadle Lane. Click here to RSVP 
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25, First Night Chanukah - 3:30 pm - Uptown Menorah Lighting - Annual Post Oak Menorah Lighting in cooperation with the Uptown Houston District giant menorah lighting, Petting Zoo & Pony Rides, Chanukah Book Trail, Fresh Donuts, Latkes, Gelt and Drinks, Festive Music. RSVP required, free admission
  • Friday, Dec. 27, Third Night Chanukah - 5:00 pm - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner Uptown style, where spirits run high! Candle lighting at 5 pm, Shabbat services followed by dinner
  • Saturday, Dec. 28, Fourth Night Chanukah - 8:30 pm - Young Jewish Professionals 20s & 30s party in style in "Candy Land", with themed drinks and music, dinner buffet, sufganiyot, and latkes.
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Fri., Dec. 20, 19 Kislev

5:09 pm Light Shabbat Candles
5:10 pm Mincha
5:30 Torah Study
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner 

Shabbos, Dec. 21, 20 Kislev
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Kiddush & Farbrengen in honor Chof Kislev
5:10 pm Mincha
Torah Study
6:06 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Sunday, Dec. 22, 21 Kislev
8:30 am Shacharis

Chanukah - Wednesday, Dec. 25-Jan.2

Light Up Uptown this Chanukah

This week we commemorated the birthday (in 1773) and yahrtzeit (in 1827) of Rabbi DovBer, the second Chabad Rebbe, also known as the Mitteler Rebbe.

One of his distinguishing traits was his ability to elaborate at great lengths on topics of Chassidic philosophy. He penned many voluminous manuscripts and would deliver long talks, leaving listeners spellbound by his every word. If his finger were to be cut, it was said, instead of blood a gush of Chassidism would emerge. It was the very essence of his being.

In this week’s Torah reading, Vayishlach, we read about Yaakov's unwavering commitment to his mission, balancing his spiritual endeavors with his physical responsibilities. His preparation for his encounter with his brother Esav — prayer, strategic planning, and gifts—reflects the harmonious blending of divine service with worldly engagement.

The Mitteler Rebbe exemplified this balance in his own life. His tireless efforts to teach and explain Chassidic philosophy were rooted in a deep awareness of every Jew’s essential and unbreakable connection to Torah. Just as Yaakov wrestled with an angel and emerged victorious, symbolizing the eternal strength of the Jewish soul, so does the Mitteler Rebbe’s legacy inspire us to reveal the inner depths of our connection to G-d and His Torah.

May we be inspired to strengthen our bond with Torah and mitzvos, tapping into the essence of who we are—a people intrinsically connected to Hashem through His wisdom, revealed in the teachings of Torah and Chassidism.

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie

Mazel tov to Baruch and Shani Shkertzi on birth of a baby girl!


  • Wednesdays, Dec. 18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate - A Body's Dignity Can I donate my body to science? Cremate a loved one's body? Can an autopsy be performed?
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25, First Night Chanukah - 3:30 pm - Uptown Menorah Lighting - Annual Post Oak Menorah Lighting in cooperation with the Uptown Houston District giant menorah lighting, Petting Zoo & Pony Rides, Chanukah Book Trail, Fresh Donuts, Latkes, Gelt and Drinks, Festive Music. RSVP required, free admission
  • Friday, Dec. 27, Third Night Chanukah - 5:00 pm - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner Uptown style, where spirits run high! Candle lighting at 5 pm, Shabbat services followed by dinner
  • Saturday, Dec. 28, Fourth Night Chanukah - 8:30 pm - Young Jewish Professionals 20s & 30s party in style in "Candy Land", with themed drinks and music, dinner buffet, sufganiyot, and latkes.
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Fri., Dec. 13, 12 Kislev

5:06 pm Light Shabbat Candles
5:05 pm Mincha
5:30 Torah Study
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner 

Shabbos, Dec. 14, 13 Kislev
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Kiddush sponsored by Alex Wolansky in honor of his new life chapter and the Benjaminov Family marking the yartzeit of Margalit Rachel bat Adina a"h on 15 Kislev and Tuvia bat Rachel a"h on 17 Kislev
5:00 pm Mincha
Torah Study
6:03 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Sunday, Dec. 15, 14 Kislev
8:30 am Shacharis

Gateway to Heaven - Mazel tov!

Judaism teaches us that believing in a higher power is at the heart of our faith. Our daily prayers, ideally recited with a minyan, can happen anywhere – at home, work, or even on a bus. While we often associate prayer with spiritual requests, we're encouraged to include our everyday needs as well. Prayer is more than just words; it's a chance to connect with the Infinite, the source of all existence.

This lesson is beautifully illustrated in the life of our patriarch Yaakov Avinu, as described in this week's Torah reading. Fleeing from his brother Esav, Yaakov finds himself at the holiest site on earth – Mount Moriah, later known as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. After a divine dream, Yaakov awakens and exclaims, "This is the Gateway to Heaven." Yet, instead of praying for spiritual growth or wisdom, he prays for basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing. Why? Because Hashem's presence isn't limited to the spiritual realm. His infinity means He's present in every aspect of our lives, not just the sacred moments.

Hashem desires our connection in all areas, even the mundane. This powerful message resonates deeply, especially after last week's Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries. Chabad rabbis from around the world gathered to strengthen our mission, which is founded on the teaching that bringing Hashem into every aspect of life reveals His true essence.

Especially as Houstonians we can utilize our prayer or daily actions to further make the infinite tangible by inviting Hashem into every moment. As the Rebbe once said to Israel's President Shazar in private meeting joined by Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff, that even Houston, Texas -  – the city where NASA's space exploration program is headquartered – is a "Gateway to Heaven"! (more on this encounter below)

By Hashgacha Pratis this same week of this parsha's "Gateway to Heaven" story, our family celebrated a beautiful connection between two "Gateways to Heaven" – Houston and Jerusalem – as our dear daughter Chaya married Shalom Burkis under the chupa. May their union be blessed with love, joy, and a deep connection to the Infinite.

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie

P.S. At the wedding we distributed a memento of favorite songs written or popularized by Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff. You can view the PDF and hear recording of selected songs here.

As recorded in December 2008 "Here's My Story" by JEM

In 1973, after I had been in Houston for about a year-and-a-half, I was informed that Zalman Shazar, who had just finished serving as president of Israel, would be passing through town on his way to Mexico. He had a three-hour layover at the airport, and the Jewish Federation wanted the local community leaders to come to greet him.

Since I always checked with the Rebbe on things like this, I called his secretariat in New York, and was told that I should go and remind Mr. Shazar, who had Chabad roots, that this very day on the Hebrew calendar is Gimmel Tammuz – the third day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz – when the Previous Rebbe was freed from Soviet prison. Now this date was at that time not as important in the Chabad calendar as Yud Beis Tammuz – the twelfth day of Tammuz – when the Previous Rebbe returned from exile and was able to rejoin his community, yet I remembered the Rebbe once explaining that Gimmel Tammuz ranks higher as the day the Previous Rebbe’s life was saved. (Years later, this date became even more significant to me because the Rebbe passed away on Gimmel Tammuz.)

So this is what I did. When I arrived, the airport reception room was packed, as everyone who was anyone in Houston was present. Yet, in the crowd, Mr. Shazar made a beeline for me. He identified me from my dress as a Chabad chasid and, addressing me in Yiddish, asked, “How is the Rebbe?”

He invited me to sit next to him, and we began to talk. As instructed, I reminded him that today is Gimmel Tammuz, and I pulled out a bottle of vodka and two little cups so that we could make a L’chaim in honor of the day. At that he got very emotional, raised the cup and said, “L’chaim! To the Rebbe’s health!”

He then told me that on the way back from his trip to Mexico, he would be passing through New York, and he asked me to please arrange a meeting with the Rebbe, which I did.

He had an audience with the Rebbe a week later, during the celebrations of Yud Beis Tammuz, and I also came. During their meeting, I was distinguished as “the young man from Houston” (I was then thirty years old), and the Rebbe quipped to Mr. Shazar that “Houston is the gateway to heaven,” referring to the fact that the Kennedy space center, NASA’s primary launch center is located there. It was a very special occasion.


  • Friday, Dec. 6, 6 pm - Chaya & Shalom Sheva Brachot - Dec. First Fridays Shabbat Dinner
  • Two Tuesdays, Dec. 10 & 17, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - JLI: Nurturing Relationships - Jewish Wisdom for Building Deeper, Richer Connection in All Your Relationships. This course will satisfy most states' continuing education requirements for Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, LMFTs, and LMHC/LPCs. - Click for syllabus and to register
  • Two Wednesdays, Dec. 11-18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate - The “Decisions of Fate” four-part journey will be navigating critical choices & ethical Dilemmas with Jewish wisdom. VOUCHERS: Join CYP Academy and receive $200 credit for each four part course successfully completed towards any CYP Encounter Trip Experience including the Encounter Crown Heights, NYC MLK Weekend Jan 17-19, 2025. Register opening week Nov. 4-12 for only $49 plus airfare!
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25, First Night Chanukah - 3:30 pm - Uptown Menorah Lighting - Annual Post Oak Menorah Lighting in cooperation with the Uptown Houston District.
  • Friday, Dec. 27, Third Night Chanukah - 5:00 pm - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner Uptown style, where spirits run high! Candle lighting at 5 pm, Shabbat services followed by dinner
  • Saturday, Dec. 28, Fourth Night Chanukah - 8:30 pm - Young Jewish Professionals 20s & 30s party in style in "Candy Land", with themed drinks and music, dinner buffet, sufganiyot, and latkes.
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Fri., Dec. 6, 5 Kislev

5:04 pm Light Shabbat Candles
5:05 pm Mincha
5:30 Torah Study
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Sheva Brachot Shabbat First Fridays

Shabbos, Dec. 7, 6 Kislev
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Kiddush & Community Sheva Brachot for Chaya and Shalom
5:00 pm Mincha
Torah Study
6:01 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Sunday, Dec. 8, 7 Kislev
8:30 am Shacharis

UAE news is painful - lets do kosher

Along with the entire Jewish nation and upright people everywhere, we are pained and saddened by the shocking news of the vicious murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, a 28-year-old Chabad rabbi in the United Arab Emirates, by barbaric terrorists. Rabbi Kogan was murdered simply because he was a Jew, a member of the Chosen People, a Jew who cared deeply for his fellow Jews of all walks of life, and for all people.

So what can we do to honor his memory?

Young Rabbi Kogan dedicated his life to bringing kosher food to the Emirates. He was inspired by the call of the Rebbe, who launched the Kosher Campaign 50 years ago to spread kosher awareness and observance. In a video recorded just a few days before his passing, he proudly shared how he is importing foods from all over the world so people can keep kosher no matter where they are.

In the wake of his brutal murder at the hands of terrorists, let’s join Jews all over the world in declaring the coming week a week of kosher—dedicated to increasing awareness of this important mitzvah.

Here’s what that means:

If you don’t yet keep kosher at home, for the next week (and hopefully you will continue beyond), choose one (or some, or all) of the following:

  • Eat a kosher meal at least once a day
  • Shop and eat only kosher food and kosher meat. We are blessed in Houston with many kosher options as listed here.
  • Avoid mixing meat and dairy
  • Avoid non-kosher fish, such as shellfish, crab, eel, and other non-kosher seafood (kosher fish is easy to find in most supermarkets)
  • If you eat out, choose only kosher restaurants
  • Spend a few minutes a day learning about the basics of keeping a kosher kitchen

If you do already keep kosher, perhaps consider upgrading your observance in the areas of pat Yisrael and chalav Yisrael, waiting between meat and milk, or wherever else you believe you have room to improve.

You can also sign up for a new four-part video course dedicated to the basics of keeping kosher.

With broken hearts but unbreakable spirit, we pray to G-d that our mitzvahs bring nachas to the holy soul of Rabbi Zvi ben Alexander Hakohen, and bring comfort to his devastated widow, grieving family, and shocked community.

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie


  • Three Tuesdays, Dec. 3-17 2024 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - JLI: Nurturing Relationships - Jewish Wisdom for Building Deeper, Richer Connection in All Your Relationships. This course will satisfy most states' continuing education requirements for Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, LMFTs, and LMHC/LPCs. - Click for syllabus and to register
  • Friday, Dec. 6, 6 pm - Chaya & Shalom Sheva Brachot - Dec. First Fridays Shabbat Dinner
  • Two Wednesdays, Dec. 11-18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate - The “Decisions of Fate” four-part journey will be navigating critical choices & ethical Dilemmas with Jewish wisdom. VOUCHERS: Join CYP Academy and receive $200 credit for each four part course successfully completed towards any CYP Encounter Trip Experience including the Encounter Crown Heights, NYC MLK Weekend Jan 17-19, 2025. Register opening week Nov. 4-12 for only $49 plus airfare!
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25, First Night Chanukah - 3:30 pm - Uptown Menorah Lighting - Annual Post Oak Menorah Lighting in cooperation with the Uptown Houston District.
  • Friday, Dec. 27, Third Night Chanukah - 5:00 pm - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner - Chanukah Shabbat Dinner Uptown style, where spirits run high! Candle lighting at 5 pm, Shabbat services followed by dinner
  • Saturday, Dec. 28, Fourth Night Chanukah - 8:30 pm - Young Jewish Professionals 20s & 30s party in style in "Candy Land", with themed drinks and music, dinner buffet, sufganiyot, and latkes.
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Fri., Nov. 29, 28 Cheshvan
5:04 pm Light Shabbat Candles & Mincha
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner

Shabbos, Nov. 30, 29 Cheshvan
8:00 am Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Mevarchim Kiddush & Fabrengen in memory and marking the upcoming first yartzeit of Yonah David (Jonas) ben Yaffa, a"h Pfrenger
2:00 pm Mincha
4:30 pm Shabbos Kallah for women and girls honoring Chaya Lazaroff for her upcoming marriage
6:00 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev I, Dec. 1, 30 Cheshvan
8:00 am Rosh Chodesh Shacharis
followed by monthly breakfast

Monday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev II, Dec, 2, 1 Kislev
6:45 am Shacharis
followed by monthly breakfast
7:30 pm Yartzeit Memorial for Yonah David (Jonas) ben Yaffa, a"h Pfrenger
followed by Maariv

Wed Dec. 4, 3 Kislev
8 am 

Thurs. Dec. 5, 4 Kislev
9 am 

Fri. Dec. 6, 5 Kislev
8 am 


a life - defined

This week’s portion is called “Chayei Sarah.” Even though it tells the story of Sarah’s passing, the name of the portion means “The Life of Sarah,” because it’s a reminder that a person’s life is defined by the impact they leave behind.

After Sarah’s death, her son Yitzchok finds comfort in his marriage to Rivka. When Rivka lights Shabbos candles in Sarah’s tent, it’s as if Sarah’s presence returns. Rivka continues Sarah’s legacy by bringing those same traditions and values into her new home. Sarah’s influence didn’t end with her passing—it lived on through the life Isaac and Rivka built together.

Losing a loved one is never easy, and moving on doesn’t mean forgetting. Instead, it’s about carrying their teachings and values forward. When we live the way they inspired us to, they remain a part of our lives.

Every mitzvah we do honors those who came before us. When we make our homes places of kindness, tradition, and faith, we’re not just remembering our ancestors—we’re keeping them alive in the best way possible.

A mission of ours to unite the offspring of Sara, Rivkah, Rochel and Leah in Jewish marriage, ensuring Jewish continuity. The spirit of Sarah lives on!

May we all live full, meaningful lives and see joy in the generations that succeed us. And may we soon see the day when we’re reunited with our loved ones, proud to show them how their legacy continues.

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie


  • Four Tuesdays, Nov 26th - Dec 17th 2024 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - JLI: Nurturing Relationships - Jewish Wisdom for Building Deeper, Richer Connection in All Your Relationships. This course will satisfy most states' continuing education requirements for Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, LMFTs, and LMHC/LPCs. - Click for syllabus and to register
  • Friday, Dec. 6, 6 pm - Chaya & Shalom Sheva Brachot - Dec. First Fridays Shabbat Dinner
  • Two Wednesdays, Dec. 11-18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate - The “Decisions of Fate” four-part journey will be navigating critical choices & ethical Dilemmas with Jewish wisdom. VOUCHERS: Join CYP Academy and receive $200 credit for each four part course successfully completed towards any CYP Encounter Trip Experience including the Encounter Crown Heights, NYC MLK Weekend Jan 17-19, 2025. Register opening week Nov. 4-12 for only $49 plus airfare!
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25-Jan. 2 - Chanukah 8 Awesome Nights!
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Mazel tov to Elisa Netanelov and Ofir Lagziel on their marriage!

Mazel tov to Eitan and Julia Frenkel on the birth of a baby boy!

We share condolences to Moshe Melnik and the entire Melnik family on the passing of their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Feiga Rochel bas Chaim, a"h, in Eretz Yisroel. 

Fri., Nov. 22, 21 Cheshvan
5:05 pm Light Shabbat Candles & Mincha
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner

Shabbos, Nov. 23, 22 Cheshvan
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Chatan and Lunch Kiddush sponsored and in honor of the marriage of Ofir and Alisa Lagziel, daughter of Uriel Netanelov
5:05 pm Mincha
6:01 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Sunday, Nov. 24, 23 Cheshvan
8:00 am Shacharis at Melnik shiva home 7718 Hopewell Ln

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 26 Cheshvan
6:45 am Shacharis
marking an observed yartzeit and followed by breakfast sponsored by Fred Zeidman


Condolences & Shiva Info - Melnik

The Chabad Lubavitch Community 
extends condolences to 

Moshe & Zalman Melnik

and the entire Melnik family

on the passing of their
mother, grandmother and great-grandmother,

Feiga Rochel bas Chaim, a"h. 

in Eretz Yisroel

Shiva will be observed through Wednesday morning.

Services and visiting hours:

Weekday visitation through Tuesday evening: 
7:00 am - 10:00 am 
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm (besides Friday)

Motzei Shabbos 
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Friday & Mon-Wed. 7:15 am
Sunday 8:00 am

Mincha / Maariv
Thursday & Sun.-Tues. 5:00 pm

Contact us for Shiva address

radiating light

We're deeply grateful for the overwhelming support from 214 donors in our year-end crowdfunding campaign! Your partnership enriches every class, experience, and mitzvah, spreading light and kindness. Missed the year-end campaign? You can still contribute and be part of the impact:

At the heart of every Chabad House beats the warm spirit of Avraham's inn, embracing all with open arms, nourishment, and reminders of Hashem's loving presence. Just as Avraham's inn shone bright with monotheism and kindness, today's Chabad Houses radiate light, faith, and Jewish pride worldwide.

Our doors remain open, sharing Jewish beauty, Torah values, and resilience. In cities facing darkness, Chabad Houses stand strong, countering fear with love and learning.

Their impact extends far beyond the walls, spreading unity, kindness, and Jewish vitality. Like Avraham's inn, Chabad Houses boldly uphold Torah values globally, fostering compassion, understanding, and peace.

May we soon welcome Moshiach, ushering in an era of harmony, eradicating hatred and antisemitism, and filling the world with Divine light.

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie


  • Five Tuesdays, Nov 19th - Dec 17th 2024 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - JLI: Nurturing Relationships - Jewish Wisdom for Building Deeper, Richer Connection in All Your Relationships. This course will satisfy most states' continuing education requirements for Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, LMFTs, and LMHC/LPCs. - Click for syllabus and to register
  • Three Wednesdays, Nov. 20 & Dec. 11-18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate - The “Decisions of Fate” four-part journey will be navigating critical choices & ethical Dilemmas with Jewish wisdom. VOUCHERS: Join CYP Academy and receive $200 credit for each four part course successfully completed towards any CYP Encounter Trip Experience including the Encounter Crown Heights, NYC MLK Weekend Jan 17-19, 2025. Register opening week Nov. 4-12 for only $49 plus airfare!
  • Friday, Dec. 6, 6 pm - Chaya & Shalom Sheva Brachot - Dec. First Fridays Shabbat Dinner
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25-Jan. 2 - Chanukah 8 Awesome Nights!
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Mazel Tov Josh & Paulina Freed on their marriage!
Mazel tov Eitan & Juila Frenkel on their marriage!

Fri., Nov. 15, 14 Cheshvan
5:08 pm Light Shabbat Candles & Mincha
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner

Shabbos, Nov. 16, 15 Chesvhan
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Lunch Kiddush & Farbrengen
5:10 pm Mincha
6:03 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

he was persistent

In a world where challenges abound, it’s easy to fall into the habit of playing the victim, to attribute failures to forces beyond our control, or to throw up our hands and give up. Our forefather Avraham could have done just that. His life mission—to share the belief in One G-d with a world steeped in idolatry—came at a tremendous personal cost. He faced persecution, exile, and even a death sentence. Yet, Avraham never pointed fingers, complained, or gave up.

Instead, he lived his beliefs fully and persistently, even under the threat of death. For Avraham, martyrdom wasn’t the goal; bringing G-d’s presence into the world was. He knew that every moment he continued his mission was a moment of victory over darkness. This refusal to give up, to play the victim, set the foundation for the Jewish people.

Today, we face our own challenges. Like Abraham, we inherit a resilience that defies circumstances. Giving up simply isn’t in our DNA. Our purpose is to bring light and hope, no matter how dark the world may seem. We refuse to be victims—our mission is far too important for that.

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie


  • Six Tuesdays, Nov 12th - Dec 17th 2024 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - JLI: Nurturing Relationships - Jewish Wisdom for Building Deeper, Richer Connection in All Your Relationships. This course will satisfy most states' continuing education requirements for Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, LMFTs, and LMHC/LPCs. - Click for syllabus and to register
  • Four Wednesdays, Nov. 13 & 20 & Dec. 11-18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate - The “Decisions of Fate” four-part journey will be navigating critical choices & ethical Dilemmas with Jewish wisdom. VOUCHERS: Join CYP Academy and receive $200 credit for each four part course successfully completed towards any CYP Encounter Trip Experience including the Encounter Crown Heights, NYC MLK Weekend Jan 17-19, 2025. Register opening week Nov. 4-12 for only $49 plus airfare!
  • Tues.-Wed. November 12-13 - Annual Crowd Funding Campaign - Our annual fundraiser of the year is next week! The community hopes to count on you to make a difference in your community in Houston...
  • Friday, Dec. 6, 6 pm - Chaya & Shalom Sheva Brachot - Dec. First Fridays Shabbat Dinner
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25-Jan. 2 - Chanukah 8 Awesome Nights!
  • Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 17-19 - Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton - Join us as we head to NYC for the Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton set to take place over MLK Weekend (Jan 17-19)! A weekend like no other, a chance to connect with hundreds Jewish young professionals from around the world and experience an unforgettable weekend in Crown Heights. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Fri., Nov. 8, 30 Tishrei, 7 Cheshvan
5:12 pm Light Shabbat Candles & Mincha
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner

Shabbos, Nov. 9, 8 Chesvhan
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Lunch Kiddush & Farbrengen sponsored by Josh & Paulina Freed
5:10 pm Mincha
5:55 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Its flooding?

Over the month filled with holidays—Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, and Simchas Torah—many of us feel spiritually uplifted, protected in a bubble of joy, prayer, and community. But as we return to our everyday lives, we may feel like we’re suddenly flooded with the pressures of work, family, and daily obligations, pulling us back into the rush of the world.

Floods can be devastating, both in reality and metaphorically. This week's Torah portion describes a global flood that only Noah, his family, and select animals survived. This deluge symbolizes the stress and anxieties that can overwhelm us, creeping in unexpectedly and leaving us feeling helpless. But sometimes, as with Noah’s flood, these “floods” are opportunities for growth and renewal.

G-d instructed Noah to build an ark, or teivah in Hebrew—a word that also means “word.” This dual meaning suggests that beyond physical refuge, G-d was guiding Noah to find sanctuary in words of Torah and spirituality. As the waters surged, Noah and his family were sheltered in this sacred space, protected by their immersion in G-d’s word.

Yet seclusion is only part of the solution. After the flood, G-d commanded Noah to “Leave the ark!” He was not meant to escape life indefinitely, but to re-engage with the world, transformed and ready to make a positive impact.

Similarly, when life’s floods rush towards us, we can turn inward to strengthen our spirits. Then, fortified, we can reenter the world, turning even life’s storms into forces for good.

May we merit the coming of Moshiach, when peace will flow like a river, and all storms will finally be calmed.

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie


  • Friday, November 1, 6:30 pm - Fall Edition - First Fridays Shabbat Dinner -
  • Four Wednesdays, Nov. 13 & 20 & Dec. 11-18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate -
  • Tues.-Wed. November 12-13 - Annual Crowd Funding Campaign

Fri., Nov. 1, 30 Tishrei, Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan
6:17 pm Light Shabbat Candles & Mincha
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Fall Edition - Nov First Fridays Shabbat Dinner

Shabbos, Nov. 2, Rosh Chodesh II, 1 MarChesvhan
9:00 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Lunch Kiddush & Farbrengen
6:15 pm Mincha
7:10 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

Fall Shabbat, Abortion etc, NYC - PHOTOS! YJP Houston November Newsletter

 web logo.png 
Where young Jewish professionals connect 
in a sophisticated, welcoming, and relaxed setting 
with a spirited vibe 

December Events
Fall Shabbat | Decisions of Fate | Speeddating | Sukkot Photos | NYC Shabbat

 Friday, November 1, 6:30 pm - Fall Edition - First Fridays Shabbat Dinner
Join Young Jewish Professionals for a Fall Themed Themed Shabbat Dinner at YJP Houston - where spirits run high! Shabbat Candle Lighting 6:17 pm, Friday Night Services: 6:30 PM, Fall Themed Shabbat Dinner 7:45PM $20 until Thursday, $36 after Use promo code: advance

Four Wednesdays, Nov. 13 & 20 & Dec. 11-18 – 7:30-9:00 pm - CYP Academy: Decisions of Fate
Welcome to The CYP Academy. Relevant and fascinating topics, paired with delectable dinner.

The "Decisions of Fate" four-part journey will be navigating critical choices & ethical Dilemmas with Jewish wisdom.

VOUCHERS: Join CYP Academy and receive $200 credit for each four part course successfully completed towards any CYP Encounter Trip Experience
including the 
Encounter Crown Heights, NYC MLK Weekend Jan 17-19, 2025Register opening week Nov. 4-12 for only $49 plus airfare!

Met@Chabad Speeddating, Monday, November 25 at 8 pm Houston time

 Check out the photos from Sukkah Stir Fry Showdown!  Delicious eats, joyful moments! Young Professionals unite! Photo credit: HAGIT BIBI Photography

VOUCHERS: Join CYP Academy and receive $200 credit for each four part course successfully completed towards any CYP Encounter Trip Experience
including the 
Encounter Crown Heights, NYC MLK Weekend Jan 17-19, 2025Register opening week Nov. 4-12 for only $49 plus airfare!


Let's dance for them!

In the cycle of life, there may be nothing greater than the opportunity to start over. This concept is most apparent on the holiday of Simchas Torah, when we conclude the annual Torah reading cycle, and instead of waiting a week to start over, we do so immediately, accompanied by much fanfare and celebration.

This is symbolic of Judaism in general: we never stop learning Torah just like we never stop being Jewish. As soon as one round or one one stage ends, we immediately move on to the next level. Doing so ensures that not only is what we’ve accomplished in the past not forgotten, but rather it serves as a foundation for everything that will transpire in the future.

This year’s Simchas Torah celebrations will be particularly poignant, as we mark the anniversary on the Jewish calendar of the October 7 attacks in Israel. Over the past year, Jews around the world have mourned and cried, but all along we have held strong on the belief that things will get better. If our shared history is any indication, the Jewish people always come through and survive even the harshest of realities.

We accomplish this not by toning down our Simchas Torah celebrations, G-d forbid, but by dancing and celebrating even stronger than ever before. This year’s Simchas Torah must be the most joyous one ever celebrated!

As the new year begins and we start the new Torah cycle, we look forward to a time when there will be no war, only peace, with the coming of Moshiach – and then we will truly dance!

Chag same’ach,

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie

SUKKOS SHOWDOWN: Young Professionals enjoy cooking competition camaraderies under Sukkah
By JUDY BLUESTEIN LEVIN | FRONT PAGE JHV - On the third night of Sukkot, Saturday, Oct. 19, nearly 100 young professionals from across the Houston area came together to wok-n-roll the night away.

The Sukkah Stir-Fry Showdown brought together YAD, YJP and J-HYte for a stir-iry cooking competition, a musical Havdalah service, a cooking demo from Casa Bar & Grill chef and owner Dovid Wohlgelernter, an open bar and a variety of tapas. grilled meats and vegetables.

The celebration was held in the recently expanded sukkah at Chabad of Uptown, home of the Jewish Young Professionals. Rabbi Chaim and Chanie Lazaroff welcomed the group and made everyone feel at home.

"It's always wonderful to partner with other local organizations. Rabbi Lazaroff told the JLV. We are very grateful for the opportunity to be able to host them at our location. which is the largest brick-and-mortar young professionals organization in Houston. It's a nice, big sukkah. and it was a great way to end the full weekend celebration. Read more here >


We send our condolences on the passing of Haim ben Chava Rozin Z"L, husband of Sara Rozin, father of Ilanit Meckley and Ahuva Terk and grandfather of YJP members Arielle (& Ziv) Mesulati and Eliav Terk. The funeral will take place today, Wednesday October 23 @ 3:00 PM Beth Yeshurun Cemetery 3502 Allen Parkway. May the Almighty console them among the mourners  of Zion and Jerusalem

Wed., Oct 23 - Shemini Atzeret

6:24 pm Light Holiday Candles
6:25 pm Mincha & Evening Services Hakafot-celebratory dancing
This one is only the warm up - to connect with Israel! (See main hakafot below)

Thurs, Oct. 24 - Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah
10:00 am Morning Services
12:15 pm Yizkor with special Service to Honor the Memory of the Oct. 7 massacre
Teffilas Geshem
Say Goodbye to Sukkah

6:25 pm Mincha & Evening Services Grand Hakafot-celebratory dancing - This one is the real deal!
6:30 pm Simchas Torah Family Party
Hakafos continues late!
After 7:17 pm Light Candles
Kiddush Buffet Sponsored in part by the Benjaminov & Korkos families of is an honor of the Rabbi and the Rabbi Wife and all the kids that help us have a wonderful experience & joy

Fri., Oct. 25-Simchat Torah
10:00 am Morning Services
Hakafot-celebratory dancing
Mincha after Hakafot
Before 6:22 pm Light Shabbat Candles
7:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
RSVP for Shabbat Dinner

Shabbat Bereishit, Mevarchim Hachodesh MarCheshvan, Oct. 26
8:00 am Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim
9:30 am Chassidus
10:00 am Morning Services
Shabbat Lunch Kiddush & Farbrengen
6:20 pm Mincha
7:16 pm Maariv, Havdalla and Shabbat Ends
Living Torah Video Magazine

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