The Jewish Learning Institute is a revolutionary concept in adult Jewish education. Offered seasonally as 6 part courses, it is an unprecedented presentation of traditional Judaism in a highly professional, innovative, academically rigorous yet accessible format.
Weekly dinner, class & social on contemporary Jewish ideas for Young Professionals. Come discuss, agree, disagree, mingle and network with other young Jewish professionals, singles and couples at series of classes / discussions on contemporary themes!
In depth look at the prayer book, picking apart the prayer structure and meaning exploring the mechanics and mysticism that comprise Jewish prayer.
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi's (ob"m) Masterworks on the weekly Parsha of Chassidic Philosophy, Torah Or & Likkutei Torah
Our Knowledgebase covers every area of Judaism, and gives you the Jewish spin on all other areas too! Information, tools, blogs, how-to wizards, multimedia, stories, women's and kids sections and so much more...